Chpt. 5 Notes
144 Language: structured system of symbols used for communicating meaning. Bound by context, governed by rules, and sometimes unclear, expresses affection.
145 Language is arbitrary (mostly) – words mean whatever we choose them to mean.
Language is symbolic – each word represents a particular object or idea, but it does not constitute the object or idea itself.
Abusing language:
164] 1. Defamation – land that harms a person’s reputation or negative image.
Harmful words. [Comes in 2 forms libel (defamatory statements made in print of some other fixed medium, photograph, motion picture) and slander (defamatory statements made aloud within earshot of others.]
165] 2. Profanity – form of language considered vulgar, rude, or obscene in the context in which it is used. Offensive language.
163] 3. Slang – informal and unconventional words that are often understood only by others in a particular group.
162 Euphemisms: Soft Talk – a vague, mild expression that symbolizes something more blunt of harsh.
152 Names – suggest info about person’s demographic characteristics We represent ourselves to others through our names A name is an important component of sense of self Gain info about others through names
153 Persuasion: process of moving people to think or act in a certain way. rhetorical proof: ways to support a persuasive argument.
150 Linguistic determinism: suggests that the structure of language determines how we think. Linguistic relativity: suggests that because language determines our perceptions of reality, people who speak different languages will see the world differently.
150 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis – idea that language influences the ways that members of a culture see and think about the world.
156 Credibility – the extent to which others find someone’s words and actions trustworthy. Others perceive us to be competent and trustworthy.
168 Shared opinion error - occurs