To get a gun, one would have to go through an exam to get a license to own and use a gun, and you wouldn’t be able to get one if you have any criminal record and you would also need to be a responsible adult. And, if the government bans guns, only criminals will have access to them since they already get them from drug dealers. Therefore, when confronted by a criminal, civilians would have no way to defend themselves.Argumentative Essay against Gun Control
Since 1980, forty-four states have passed laws allowing gun owners to carry concealed weapons outside their homes for personal protection. (Five additional states had these laws before 1980. Illinois is the sole holdout.) A federal ban on the possession, transfer, or manufacture of semiautomatic assault weapons, passed in 1994, was allowed to expire in 2004.
In 2005, Florida passed the Stand Your Ground law, an extension of the so-called castle doctrine, exonerating from prosecution citizens who use deadly force when confronted by an assailant, even if they could have retreated safely; Stand Your Ground laws expand that protection outside the home to any place that an individual “has a right to be.” Twenty-four states have passed similar laws. Guns, therefore, are necessary in today's society for our protection
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