University of Newcastle
Grad school
Case Study Harley Davidson
Course: Doctor of Business Administration
GSBS6010: Foundations of Marketing Theory
Prepared By
Muhammad Saiful Islam Khan
Executive summary
In the automotive industry Harley Davidson is a prominent brand for its exceptional product and customer loyalty. Harley Davidson is the leader in heavyweight motorcycles market from the very beginning of its operation; it has created its own specific customer group. This report will discuss how SWOT Analysis a marketing theory applied to Harley Davidson simultaneously this report will focus on a range of features of the company including marketing plan through loyalty program. Harley Davidson products are not just giving riders an outstanding riding experience it’s a lifestyle. The company experienced complexity to keep hold of their customer in the market due to the entrance of cheap Japanese motor cycles. Simultaneously Harley Davidson exploring new markets such as India without lowering its product quality and customer loyalty.
Table of Content
|Introduction............................................................................................|4 |
|.......... | |
|The success history of Harley Davidson........................................................... |4 |
|SWOT analysis for Harley-Davidson................................................................. |5 |
|Strength of Harley Davidson............................................................................ |6 |
|Solid position Market position and positive brand Image.................................. |6 |
|Wide sales and distribution