According to the World health Organisation 2009, Alcohol is one of the world’s top three priority areas in public health.
I am trying to prevent alcohol dependence among the under 30’s as…….As you can see from the bar chart prevalence has shown that there has been a 11 year rise in alcoholic liver disease deaths between 2002 and 2012.
As you can see from this graph from The Office of National Statistics, 2012, it shows the Top 5 alcohol related deaths by causes and age group, England and Wales, 2012 . The majority (31%) of deaths from alcoholic liver disease were among those aged 50-59 years.
My rationale for pickin the target group under 30’s is because I want to try & prevent under 30’s from the onset of dying of alcoholic liver disease because 40 upwards it may be too late to prevent people from alcohol abuse. Pitkanen et al 2006 states that Simply delaying onset of alcohol consumption from early to late adolescence is an important goal for preventing alcohol misuse and also for preventing long term alcohol related diseases.
According to Alcohol concern a very scary thought is that In London, hospital admissions for liver disease caused by drinking among the under-thirties have risen by 112 per cent in the past decade, with doctors saying professional women in their twenties and thirties, who might only consider themselves ‘social’ drinkers, have played a major part in this rise.
Slide 2: ‘’Health’’
Health is defined in the WHO constitution of 1948 as ‘’.
So then what is health promotiom????
Health promotion, public health, health education and health improvements are widely, and often imprecisely, defined. Tannahill (2009) argues that there are so many definitions that the term ‘health promotion’ has become meaningless.
According to Green & Tones 2010, Health promotion is……
And More recently The WHO , 2014, has defined Health promotion as ‘‘ the process of enabling people to increase control over, and