Health promotion first started in the late 19th century to help prevent deaths from infectious diseases. As time went on infectious diseases had decreased the focus moved to major chronic diseases that were happening from people’s lifestyles. Because of health promotion we are healthier as a society and life expectancy has increased. Health promoters help individuals and communities take small steps over a long period of time to reach a larger goal of increased …show more content…
The ecological perspective of health promotion emphasizes the interactions between people and their environment. This approach focuses on how the environments shape individuals behaviors and how their resources affect their overall health. This can be a challenge to health promoters because they not only have to teach the population how to live a healthy lifestyle but also provide a way to do so. Making sure there are plenty of walking/biking paths in an area is one way to help promote exercise. Also, teaching individuals how to reduce their pollution output is an example of an ecological perspective of health promotion.
This approach has many levels of health promotion. These labels include: individual and individual’s characteristics, social relationships, organizational influences, community characteristics, and public policy.
3. Explain why you are interested in health education/promotion as a career. For example, what has motivated you to take this class, what do you hope to accomplish as a health promotion practitioner, what population are you most interested in working with,