Katrina Cheska Bocala IV - John
Technology & Livelihood Education
Summary :
The first lesson was about healthy boy-girl relationships. Topics include friendships in mate selection, The differences between Love and Infatuation and things to keep in mind about dating. The second lesson was all about courtship and engagement. There were even some things I didn’t know about like Classical courtship practices like Harana and things like that. We also reviewed some modern ways of courtship and all about dating and choosing lifetime partners. We also tackled the engagement process and responsibilities of the engaged couples. The third lesson was all about families – the social and cultural changes, family composition, roles and responsibilities and Filipino values that seem to dwindle through time and we must strive to keep alive.
I learned a lot about these things, and how to handle myself as a teen, how I should patiently wait for the right time, and how to choose my lifetime partner when the time comes. Since I’m still in high school, most feelings come as puppy love and infatuation, and also I should prioritize my studies first because I must first get a job and eqarn a lot of money before I start engaging in my love lifebecause I don’t want to be like other people who start families even though they didn’t finish schooling yet and they don’t have a budget. I also learned about things I should always bear in mind when someday I start my own family and I should teach my children the same values my parents, grandparents and ancestors passed down from generation to generation.
Reading Report
Katrina Cheska Bocala IV - John
What the Bible says about…
1) Friendship – In the Bible, one of the most common stories about friendship is that of David and Jonathan. Although