Repatriation continues to be a source of frustration to many human resource managers and the expatriates. Research found that expatriates have been especially disappointed with how their companies manage the long-range planning of their going home. During the time of the expatriate assignment, the home environment changes and so does the expatriate, which Hyder and Lovblad explains the expectations of the repatriate are not in line with reality, and a reverse culture shock occurs. Repatriated employees upon their return from abroad should have a sense of self-worth and value because Dessler (2011) says the skills expats acquired abroad are not going to necessarily advance them upon their return but that experience can add to the expat’s job opportunities elsewhere.
What specific tactics and approaches can be applied to retain repatriated employees?
Dessler (2011) says the process of repatriation begins before the employee leaves home. First the firm should offer psychologist services for the family to discuss challenges, new culture and offer support through the duration of the assignment. Secondly, expat needs a tutor and resources to return home occasionally to stay abreast of what’s going on back at the home office. Third, the return home could require a representative to meet with family about 6 months before the transition home to help plan the next career move, preparing a resume, and making contact with supervisor back home. As one employee mentioned repatriation as a process that lacks monetary reward, positive increase and leverage to one’s career. I am sure many that go abroad must feel the same way which shows some companies are not making every effort to retain the repatriated employees.
Hyder,A. & Lövblad, M. (2007). The repatriation process - a realistic approach. Career