HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. This language is used to prepare web page which are used in internet to exchange data and information. TIM BERNERS LEE, who was a networking specialist at CERN (Conciel European Pourla Recharche Nucleacre), the swish physics research institute in Geneva, Switzerland developed HTML in 1990 AD. Tim Berners Lee created HTML using a programming language called SGML (Standard Generalize Markup Language) and can be used on any platform or deaktop. It is the language interpreted by a browser such as internet explorer. It is a set of codes that can be embedded in text to add formatting and linking documents. HTML pages have two file extensions, they are .HTM or .HTML.
URL=Uniform Resource Locator
FTP= File Transfer Protocol
1. Web Server
A web server is a computer which gives services to other computers connected to the web or World Wide Web. All web pages are stored in the web server. The computer connected to the web, needs special software called web browser. The web browser request to the web server for the information when the web server receives the request, it searches the information within its file system and sends out the request information to the browser through the internet.
2. Web Browser
Web browser is a program that enables a computer to locate, download and display the document containing text, sound, video, graphics, animations and photographs located on the computer network. The most popular browser are internet explorer and Netscape Navigator.
3. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
HTTP is used to make communication between the client’s browser and the web server. When HTTP services request from a browser, the web server will try to find the web page to the respective client. If the requested web page is not found then the error message sends as it is response to the client’s browser.
4. Uniform Resource Locator