40 questions
All multiple choice
Example questions:
1. Your company is currently faced with a labor shortage. You need to correct the situation, but want to choose an option that is fast, yet can be “undone” when the shortage goes away (revocability). Of the following options, which one does NOT meet both of these conditions?
A. Overtime
B. New external hires
C. Temporary workers
D. Outsourcing
Answer: B. New external Hires
HRM Overview
Three methods to assess whether HRM matters
The “resource-based view” of the firm
What are some kinds of “resources”?
What is a competitive advantage?
What factors contribute to making resources valuable and that, in turn, give companies a competitive advantage?
Study of 968 firms regarding their HRM practices conducted by Huselid (1995), Know the results - specific amounts/percentages.
What is psychological contract?
HR Challenges
The two general HR challenges that we discussed
Strategy as an organizational demand
The two types of strategies cost leadership
Their implications for managing employees
Company characteristics as an organizational demand: Compare concerns between companies in different stages of development (young versus old companies)
Organizational culture as an organizational demand:
Factors that shape culture
Possible responses to injustice
What are the implications of conducting the business in an ethically and socially responsible way
Job Analysis
The components that comprise job descriptions
The components that comprise job specifications
What is job analysis
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other characteristics
What characteristics are trainable and which ones are not (or, less trainable)
Be able to apply this information to an example about who to hire
Tools for job analysis
Types of tools (for example, Job Element Inventory)