I strongly believe that honesty is the best policy. Let’s not go overboard and think that I never tell little white lies, because I do, but usually it is to spare someone’s feelings. I have learned throughout the course of many years that telling big lies only leads to more lies. What will happen when you tell those lies? You will usually end up telling one lie to cover up another lie and eventually, you will end up telling on yourself.
I remember this story so vividly because it was quite an embarrassing situation for me. It was a beautiful day outside and my mom wanted to go shopping, I hated shopping but I was tired of being at home so, I agreed to go with her. I was 12 years old and I remember wearing a bright red and blue jacket with deep pockets. Our first stop was TG&Y, we got out of the car and I remember thinking that I haven’t gotten into any trouble lately maybe, if I behaved, just maybe, I could finally get that bottle of perfume I had so desperately been wanting for what seemed like forever. I remember it was so beautifully packaged and when I smelled it, it was the most exquisite aroma. I can’t remember now how it smelled, but just that it was the sweetest smelling perfume that my nose had ever had the privelage of being exposed to. My mother was in a great mood and I thought that I would somehow coax her over to the perfume aisle and persuade her to buy it for me. I played along and pretended to be perfectly content looking at the shampoo and the toothbrushes and whatever else she decided to pick up and ponder over. Finally, I mustered up the courage to ask if we could go to the perfume aisle and smell all of the perfume a couple of aisles over. When she said yes, I was so happy and I merrily walked, no, skipped over there with my mom in tow. “Look!”, I said with so much excitement, “They have the perfume I’ve been wanting!”, “Please”, I asked. When I got her response, “No, not today”, within the blink of an eye my