To begin with, lying would make untruthful and feel guilty for your entire life, as your lying is not useful and hurt peoples. Almost the whole world people lie one or more in their life. They shouldn’t be offended with making themselves liar. A lot things will happen in your life, so lying would be the first thing. Also lying depends on the situation that you lie. If you're lying wouldn’t be accepted with someone, it means you are lying like a rug and trying to make people to feel bad with lying and that would be the worst thing you did in your life. If your friends notice that you are liar, your social life will be more challenging and you will find it hard to have good conversation with them. As you see some lying will hurt some people ,so you always need to ask yourself what will be the impact of your lie on the people on the other side.
As I said before there is a time when lying will be acceptable if it is appropriate, and people get some benefits on it. For instance if one of my family member got a bad hair cut, I wouldn’t tell him that he had a bad haircut. That’s why I said Lying depend on the situation. If my life is in big trouble, and at the time