Electron Microscope
Hirokazu KIMURA, Hisayuki HIGUCHI. Michiyoshi MAKI and Hifumi TAMURA
Central Research Laboratory, HITACHI Ltd. Kokubunji. Tokyo. Japan
[Reprinted from Journal of Electron Microscopy Vol. 15, No. I, 1966]
( 21 )
Vol. 15, No.1, 21-25, 1966
Observation of Semiconductor Elements Using Scanning
Electron Microscope
Hirokazu KIMURA, Hisayuki HIGUCHI, Michiyoshi MAKI and Hifumi TAMURA
Central Research Laboratory, HITACHI Ltd. Kolcubunji, Tokyo, Japan
(Received March 2, 1966)
The physical topography of semiconductor elements has been observed by using of the scanning electron microscope newly developed in Hitachi Central Research Laboratory .
The voltage topography shows the location of PN junction, the base width of planer type transistor and the voltage drop in in· tegrated circuits. Furthermore, diffusion depth of PN junction becomes visible by the electron voltaic effects.
§ 1. Introduction
papers have been already reported on the resolving power and the image contrast of the scanning electron microscope, and the semiconductor elements \\ere hitherto observed by many researchers uSing scanning microscope. With the scanning electron microscope, it is possible to observe the surface topography as well as material topography utilizing the difference of the secondary electron coe· fficient . It is also possible to get "voltage contrast" \\ hich shows the location of PN junction in a semiconductor and voltage drop in a resistor. The primary electrons generate hole·electron pairs in the semiconductor and this enables to obtain specimen images on account of electron voltaic effects.
§ 2.
New Scanning Electron
Fig. 1 shows the newly designed scanning electron microscope. The diameter of its electron beam spot is about 0.1.u which is focused sharply by the two-stage