Mrs. Oznur
RW 109
25 February 2013
Home schooling What dose home schooling means? It means teaching children at home. So the education has developed around the world. Also many kinds of education became to help student to learn more and get more information about their subject. So people say the studies at home better than studies in public schools. Even though, some people believe home school provides good opportunity for child development, I don't believe home school education has look of think consider communication , education experience.
Opponent says they want to protect their children from the bad moral behavior in public school. However, I don't believe that there are good moral behavior in public school. So students studying a good moral behavior in public school more than studying at home. Many teachers say that "studies at public school are more useful than study at home". Moreover, the communication in public school allows students get life experience because they always talk with their teachers and communicate with their classmates. Also, the students from public school more social than the students from home school because the students who studies at home doesn't have to communicate with anybody just their teachers and their parents. Also, they don't have friends to play with them that cause they became shy and they can't communicate with the community. Alharbi2
Opponent says a child who studies in home school learn more information than a child who studies at public school. However, I don’t believe that children learn more information in home school because the home doesn’t have everything to learn more information. Also, in public school there are many things that will help children to learn like academic resources, library and lab. Moreover, studies of public are useful. So the child can learn about different subjects more than studies at home. Also, in public schools there are many of activities that will help children to learn and keep healthy because children from public schools have many sports activities. Finally, it is important to teach our children in public schools that will help them learn more about their subjects and they will have a good experience in their life. Also, we have to teach them in our home that will affect their lives in the community. So home and school together will make students able to deal with education and communication with the community.
children who are homeschooled receive a more individualized education , which is beneficial for students with special needs .i do not believe that there are a lot of special schools for students with special needs . also this kind of schools have a special things that will help them to learn and develop their ability. so if students do not have