I have always had a dream, which was something no one didn’t know anything about. A secret dream. A dream about become the first astronaut” astronåt" on Mars. Imagine how it will feel like to be the first human being in history to leave your footprint on the surface(søørface) of Mars? Just imagine looking up into the sky, and see that one of the “stars” is actually earth; the planet you were born and raised on. I have never told this to anyone, because at one point, my family, friends have always convinced me that astronauts’ are reckless. Gradually I started to believe that and then my dream about exploring the universe just been reduced to a size of a little pea.
And now I am here, 18 years old, and I have just seen this huge opportunity to make the next giant leap for mankind. Or my future at any rate. Earlier today, while I was surfing around on the internet with my friend, we saw this commercial about some kind of application to astronaut selection. It was about a permanent settlement on Mars. First I was like, it must be some kind of spam and my friend and i were just playing joke on it. But even after my friend left, I couldn’t stop thinking and after a little research, I found out that it was real and not a joke. OMG. It’s like my dream, that was until now a size of pea growing to a size of a giant whale. This opportunity is the closest I will ever come to realize my dream, that I have kept In myself like forever. And I just know I am the right person to this job. I can do it.. I know..i am aware of the fact, that I may not see my family again, and even die. But how selfish and narcissistic it may sound..This is my dream. And I know, I won’t regret anything. Because I want it of all my heart