I look forward to hearing from you.
Simon Wamwea
Address: P.O Box 29070 – 00625 Nairobi
Email: pmwea2004@gamail.com
Setting up information and communication technology (ICT) resources and supporting teaching and learning through the use of ICT…
ITC opportunities to recruit new instructors and communicate clearly with existing ones, therefore, we intend to create a website for ITC and populate it with content and…
I am writing in response to your opening of an Administrative Support Assistant at the Northampton Campus. My professional experience with administrative duties and customer service would make me a good candidate for this…
BSB50207 Diploma of Business BSBLED502A Manage programmes that promote personal effectiveness 2013 Semester 1 Summative Assessment 1 The assessment is designed to give you the opportunity to show you have the skills and knowledge required to manage programmes that promote personal effectiveness. To achieve the Performance Criteria, you must complete all of the assessment tasks. Assessment announced early in the semester for you’re to commence the required assessment. This assessment 1 is work 50% to the total unit. Submission guidelines 1. Please use standard ‘assessment cover page’ with authentic statement as attached. 2. Please provide proper in-text…
This is a comprehensive statement and I fully appreciate the fact that learners “are never disadvantaged by methods, language or resources”. The ICT industry is one such area where as experience as shown that all facets (methods, language and resources) have to be clearly explained and reinforced to ensure learning has taken place. Due to the nature of ICT, on most occasions it is akin to teaching learners another language due to the fact the learners are coming across new terms such as “motherboard”, “CPU”, “ATX”, “RAM” and “Router”.…
Throughout the last five weeks of this class I have done a lot text book reading and internet research. During all of my studying and research I have been reminded that even after 14+ years of working with Information Technology (IT), more specifically networking and telecommunications, I still have a lot of learning to do.…
"Using Technology in Today 's Classroom." Yahoo! Contributor Network. Yahoo, 17 July 2007. Web. 4 Dec. 2012.…
Included with this e-mail is a copy of my resume for your review and consideration. Please contact me if you have any questions or to arrange an interview. I look forward to speaking with you in the near future.…
My specialist subject is recruiting for Educational professionals and working with local educational authorities to ensure that educators are in post, with the responsibility for their professional development…
In this proposed new job, the teacher’s role would be to communicate ‘areas’ of ICT training at a suitable level so that all the participating learners will have full understanding of the subject matter. The teacher should be knowledgeable of the subject and facilitate the session in a way to engage the learners, motivating them to learn. The teacher should use clear language and show enthusiasm for the subject and an interest in the learners.…
* setting up information and communication technology (ICT) resources and supporting teaching and learning through the use of ICT…
As an AOP summer tutor and/or tutor counselor I wish to gain experience with teaching since I am strongly considering a career in education. I have much to offer if hired for this position. I am a highly motivated student with strong time management skills. I have never missed a class and/or an assignment in any class at Union. I look forward to helping the incoming AOP students with academics as well as time management skills and acclimation to the college atmosphere. Adapting to the college lifestyle can be challenging, as I have determined from personal experience, and I would enjoy helping students navigate this excitingly demanding time.…
Today we are in a world where technology is constantly evolving. We see this daily with the use of computers which are a tool that has served to facilitate communication and the way how people work. At a school this kind of technology is very useful because they can teach their students differently as it is in other countries. Moreover, several programs have done that this education should be complemented.…
General CertiÞcate of Secondary Education June 2009 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY 3522/H (SPECIFICATION B) (FULL COURSE) Written Paper Higher Tier Tuesday 19 May 2009 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm…
My enclosed resume will serve to provide you with greater details of my background and what I have to offer.…