Define Internet: large global network that connects smaller networks worldwide.
Origins: Launched in 1969 as a US funded project by ARPAN to develop a computer network
Three Generations of World Wide Web: Web 1.0(launched in 1991), Web 2.0(launched in 2000), Web 3.0 (currently; less human reaction)
Most Common Uses: shopping, general searches, e-learning
Describe how to access the Internet. What are the providers? Define browsers and discuss URLs, HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, Applets, and mobile browsers.
How to access Internet: through a Commercial Internet Service Provider
Providers: ISP (Internet Service Provider) provide connection to internet. Use telephone lines, cables or wireless connections ex: AT&T, Sprint, Verizon
Define Browsers: programs that provide access to Web resources ex: Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft internet explorer, Google Chrome
URLs: (Uniform Resource Locator) Have at least protocol(http:) and domain( name. TLD(Top Level Domain) identifies the type of organization (.com,.edu,.mil,.gov,.net)
HTML: Browsers interpret the HTML(Hypertext Markup Language) commands and they contain formatting instructions for displaying document as a web page. The hyperlink connects to other web pages like text and graphic images and files
JavaScript: An interactive website & language used for interactive features
AJAX: interactive website & advanced use of java script
Applets: interactive website & programs that can be downloaded quickly and present animations, display graphics and provide interactive games
Discuss Internet communications, including client-based and web-based email, instant and text messaging, social networking, blogs, microblogs, webcasts, podcasts, and wikis.
Internet Communication: most popular internet activity
Client Based: most common; apple mail or Microsoft outlook
Web-Based Email: