zionism: ‘to create for the jewish people a home in palestine secured by the public law’
1) a homeland state set up for jews, by jews
2) movement for the reestablishment and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. Established as political organisation 1897 by Theodor Herzl anti-semitism - a dislike of Jews (has been around since Christian times) ottoman empire - modern day Turkey holy land - modern day Israel and Palestine mandate - commission from League of Nations to member of state to administer a territory (British mandate in Palestine)
BOOKLET NOTES zionism - origins and aspirations jewish connections with region
12 israel tribes faced exile in egypt settled in palestine jews exiled from palestine by babylonians babylonian empire conquered by persia → jews returned strict monotheism of jews and fierce indpendence led to being one of most troubled roman provinces
135AD: revolt, 500 000 jews killed period of dispersion: jews went into exile (captives, slaves, refugees)
arab connections with region
1st cent AD: those living on borders of israel known as arabs
20 years of mohammed’s death jerusalem in arab hands
Arab temple built on site of jewish temple → main centre of arab/jewish conflict
Hebron: where Abraham buried (jews and arabs trace religion back to Abraham) → site of conflict christians and jews lived in palestine while under islamic control
1516-wwi: control went from islamic world → ottomans
zionism - symbol of hope zion = jewish name for jerusalem during dispersion symbolised placed where jews would feel at home jews of dispersion played important role in economy were traders, bankers, jewellers → professions christians could not become involved in capitalism developed → christians involved in these professions jews seen as competitors
19th cent: persecution of jews intensified → pogroms on jewish communities
1880’s: anti-semitism developed