1) What is the author’s main point? What are they claiming and trying to convince you of?
a) In this article, the author is explaining to his audiences why learning business ethics is crucial to success in business and why occasional seminars are needed to remind ourselves “What it has to do with their jobs” and “Understanding ethics may help them do their job better”.
2) What main reasons does the author offer in support of the main point? Are these good reasons? Why? Are these reasons relevant to the author’s conclusion?
a) Ethical errors end careers more quickly and more definitively than any other mistake in judgment or accounting.
i) I think this is fairly accurate, but everyone’s views are varies. Such as some actions may be acceptable to one person but unacceptable to another.
b) Ethical provides the broader framework within which business life must be understood.
i) It is a broader framework in the business life, not the laws of the business world.
c) Nothing is more dangerous to a business than a tarnished public image.
i) Once a company’s reputation has been destroyed, it is hard to rebuild it up. And they will always be known for what bad things they have done, and no matter how successful they become afterwards.
3) What evidence is offered in support of those reasons? Is the evidence good? Why? Is the evidence relevant to the author’s reasons and/or conclusion?
a) Ethical errors end careers more quickly and more definitively than any other mistake in judgment or accounting.
i) The uses some examples to explain that many of us practice on a daily basis that we do not realize, and rarely does unethical behavior is determined and punished. ii) He mentions that unethical behavior is not simply just “bad business”, but is an invitation to disaster in a business that could potentially cripple a company.
b) Ethical provides the broader framework within which business life must be