The story begins with fifteen year old Craig Gilner struggling with overwhelming concerns for his future. He’s determined to have a successful life, but getting there poses an issue. The fear of not getting into the right high school transfers to not being accepted to the perfect college, which means not getting the right job, which leads to a life lacking happiness and fulfillment. But once he earns his way into one of Manhattan’s most prestigious …show more content…
This act prompts him to contact a hotline and check himself into a mental hospital.
Craig Gilner is an authentic character whom you find yourself caring for very easily.
Vizzini doesn’t sugar coat any of these complex ideas, and by not doing so Craig is left with a highly believable voice. This book shares such intimate details it feels almost as if you’re being confided in by a close friend or loved one. It’s not a difficult task for the reader to relate to Craig.
To an extent, we can all relate to how horrible he feels with the overwhelming work loads. The only aspect of this novel that feels slightly unrealistic, is the speed with which Craig adjusts to life in the hospital. His recovery time seems slightly rushed, but the reader must keep in mind that not everyone reacts to circumstances in the same way.
Now although this is a non fiction novel these are genuine issues that an increasing number of teens are facing. Close to 5,000 lives are lost each year due to teenage suicide. We are given the impression at a very young age that if our life plan doesn’t fall into the norms