1.0 Table of Content
Title: E-learning as Mobile-Learning (M-Learning) in UniKL MIIT.
1.1 Introduction
E-learning is commonly referred to the intentional use of networked information and communications technology in teaching and learning. A number of other terms are also used to describe this mode of teaching and learning. They include, virtual learning, distributed learning, and network and web based learning. Fundamentally, they all refer to educational processes that utilize information and communications technology to mediate asynchronous as well as synchronous learning and teaching activities. Mobile learning, or m-learning, refers to any learning intervention that is carried out through the use of mobile devices and wireless technology. Ever since the concept of mobile learning came into the picture, instructional designers have been coming up with innovative ideas to create effective and meaningful ways to harness the power of mobile learning. It started with focused efforts to convert existing e-learning to m-learning. There is an opinion that no specific definition beyond “learning on the go” or “learning via technology you can put in your pocket or carry around easily”. So, building on that last suggestion (assuming your pockets are big enough) the consensus seems to suggest mobile learning covers learning delivered by technology such as mobile phone, Smartphone or as known as android.
Any time you ask someone something, or you choose to watch a video or listen to a
References: edith, G. clara, D. jenny. J, (2011). journal of information technology education. The Effect of Using E-Learning Tools in Online and Campus-based Classrooms on Wlodkowski, R. J. (1985). Enhancing adult motivation to learn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Association.Retrieved on June 24, 2008 from http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/36/e7/e2.pdf timothy. R, (2008). International journal of Cyber Society and Education Pages 143- 156,Vol Tools for Teaching by Barbara Gross Davis (Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco, 1993) [ 2 ]. Som Naidu (2006)