Primary data is data collections which have been collected specifically for a partickuar purpose. There are four different methods for primary data collectiions. They are either from postal questionnaires, where questionnare is sent either through post or by first hand. Personal interviews where trained interviewer ask a prepared set of questions, can be in public places. Or at the respondant’s homeor place. Telep[hone interview also is a good method to collect surveys from the customers. Where they can directly enter reponses on to a computer. The only dopwn side to it is if [people who do not own a phone are excluded from the sample. So not all of the daya collection from the populations are collected. The last method is by observation. In this case this is not going to be useful for the facelift bungee. Because the method relies heavily on the skills of the observer.
The secondary data consist of data collections that has been collected by other people before hand. Since facelift bungee is a new product trying to get into the UK market, therefore secondary data will not be useful in this case. There are different type of data it’s either a qualitatiuve data or quantitative data. Qualitative data consist of nominal data which can be divided into non-measurable named categories. The ordinal data is where numbers can act as labels or ranks like levels of service or products are graded. Examples : excellent, good, poor, very poor. As for facelift bungee ordinal data method is very useful.
Quantitative data is the type of data which are measured counted of quantified. This type of data consist of continuos data and discrete data. Continuous data only applies to data that are measured. As for discrete data, it only applies for certain fixed values.
There are different type of sampling method and there is no specific amount in which the sample size can be calculated. But the more sample you gathered, the more accurate the final results of