Identify the following: THEME Speech Type Main Points Sub Points/Support Evidence Style of Speech/Delivery Language Delivery
Martin Luther King’s I have a Dream Speech provides you an opportunity to use “Critical Thinking” in analyzing the dynamics of the speech and what makes for an outstanding speech. MLK’s Dream speech is one of the top 5 speeches in the History of speech making.
You may do this assignment in essay form or in bulleted form focusing on the above items.
In referencing each item, please provide supportive information from the speech itself. More support, means more clarity in your analysis
Theme: what is the overall theme or essence of the speech, in other words, what was the speech about in one word. If you can identify it in one word you’re really keyed in and focused.
Speech Type: the speech was one of the three main types of speech we’ve already identified in class, do you remember the memory aid -P.I.E which one was it, it was not all of them, it was just one of them.
Main Points: All speeches have main points, depending on the length of the speech some will have more main points than others, this speech had three main points, identify them.
(Hint, look for the amount of times certain words or points were repeated).
Sub points: All main points have a sub point- a statement or information that supports that main point or info that expands on that main point, creating a broader theme or statement or point of that point. Listen for the Main point, the sub point or evidence that broadens the main point usually follow immediately.
Evidence/Support: this refers to the type or kinds of support MLK used to make his points, there were many types used in the speech, identify as many as you can and indicate what main points they support.
Style of Speech: was the speech delivered like a sermon or a rap essay, loudly or softly, flash back