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How to Write a Persuasive Speech
453,513 views56 Editors Edited 4 days ago
Two Methods:Sample SpeechesWriting Your Own Persuasive Speech
There are lots of things to consider and understand prior to writing a persuasive speech. In order to influence others, you have to understand the subject, and understand the audience's perception of the subject. Moving around also helps because it enables all of the audience to get an emotional response. Also try to think from your audiences point of view as well as your own.
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Writing Your Own Persuasive Speech
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1Understand the subject well.
This page won't help you at all if it's for a speech due tomorrow. Go over why you feel the way you do about the subject and consider the different challenges that you had to overcome to get to the point where you began feeling this way. Find a subject which you are passionate about. The listener does not want to hear a speech about something that you don't even care about.
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2Research your audience, understand their perception of the subject, and try your best to learn what obstacles are in place to block them from seeing the subject from your point of view. Write these obstacles down.
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3Acknowledge obstacles. You should not ignore obstacles, but rather prepare for, and conquer them. Search for answers around these obstacles. If you do, people who come across these obstacles during your speech will ignore you. You have to find ways around or through these obstacles to help your audience do the same. To be successful, you have to lead your audience, not assume or even demand that they "understand you".
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4Note your strategies and ideas. Write down the obstacles and your methods for getting around them down, and put them in a logical order format. Turn each of the obstacles into a paragraph explaining the method of understanding that gets around the …show more content…
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5Link where necessary. If needed, write paragraphs linking the "obstacle" paragraphs together in a logical order. When this is done, you should have a rough draft of your speech.
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6Practice your speech privately, in front of a mirror. Make notes on what sounds awkward and what doesn't flow or transition well. Logical flow is a strong tool of a persuasive speech, and without it, a speech is difficult to understand, much less be persuasive. During this process adjust your speech for the time allowed, and correct any errors.
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7Discover your weaknesses. Do you happen to say "um" frequently in between sentences or topics? Do you use your hands too much, or not enough by keeping them in your pockets? Avoid these and other bad habits so that you can work towards changing them. Speak with a clear voice, avoiding a monotone, and use your hands casually to emphasize points.
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8Polish your introduction. After editing your speech, add an attention story to the beginning. An attention story is a short story that is not related to the subject that highlights a problem that is similar to the problem that you are trying to overcome in your speech. A perfect introduction will: (1) get attention [use something like an analogy or story] (2) establish rapport [means goodwill, something your audience can relate to] (3) Preview what the rest of your speech will be about
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9Continue editing. After adding your attention story, edit your speech further again and try not to add last minute ideas.
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10Practice your speech publicly, in a small group. Perform it in front of people who agree with your perception of the subject. Welcome their feedback and any obstacles that they might think will become visible. Edit your speech again for any changes, always adjusting the size of your speech for the time allowed. Also, do not stand in one spot (unless on camera), as moving around a bit will help to keep your audience focused because it establishes a sense of interactivity. Engage your audience with your movements and eye contact. Look directly at individuals in your audience, changing your gaze every so often. If a few particular audience members smile in response, remember them as a focal point. They may provide visual support and encouragement if you falter a bit during your speech.
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11Practice your speech again privately, in front of the mirror.
Try to learn your speech as much as you can to where your notes are mainly just to keep you on track. What your expressions and your mannerisms, make sure that you use voice inflection and that you have emotion in your speech. If there is no emotion in your voice or body, more than likely, there won't be any in the audience either.
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12Dress appropriately for the gathering where your speech will be held. Be confident, caring, and humble.
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13Give your speech. Prepare yourself ahead of time with your own positive encouragement and praise. If you find it helpful, give yourself verbal encouragement in front of a mirror. Alternatively, seek the encouragement of a friend or co-worker.
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14Make sure that your speech really focuses on the topic, and that it is coherent and united (in the sense that all items are more or less related to the topic).
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Speak forward, projecting your voice toward the audience with full confidence. Do not speak down to the floor.
Remember not to read your speech, tell it. The difference between reading and telling is that telling appears more interactive and personal to the audience. This is key because it helps to get them on your side.
Make sure to use your hands to tell your story, but remember to be cautious of using your hands too much, as this can alienate the audience.
To memorize your speech, practice by saying it to the mirror.
Look around at the audience, making eye contact, especially during pauses in your speech. When you are talking to people, look at them and make them feel like you are talking to them.
Turn your mishaps and fumbles into a brief comical moment. If you stumble during the speech, don't panic; just move forward. Make a casual joke (in good taste) about the carpeting, your legs, or something related to your message, then continue with your speech. The worst thing to do is show that the mistake made you nervous.
Try to cite sources for statistics and use credible non-biased sources.
Notes should only be used to keep you on track, if you don't know the speech that you wrote, you shouldn't be giving the speech.
While researching your audience, learn what motivates them, and continue to motivate them with the same ideas and values that they already hold dear.
Don't exaggerate too much as it can alienate the audience.
Don't be pompous or arrogant throughout your speech. Always be humble, and open to questions, suggestions, and feedback.
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Article Info
Categories: Speechwriting
Recent edits by: Reuben, Boris Barjaktaric, Cazz
In other languages:
Español: Cómo escribir un discurso convincente, Deutsch: Eine überzeugende Rede schreiben, Русский: написать убедительную речь, Français: Comment écrire un argumentaire, Italiano: Come Scrivere un Discorso Persuasivo, Português: Como Escrever um Discurso Persuasivo
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