See things like this are what enforces the need of homework because if not all the students are to answer the questions in class and they don’t all answer how do they supposed fully understand the concept and don’t ask they’ll never really know.…
Homework is important because it helps the educators by applying the skills you learned in class at home. Following this further, it can be used as a review because it’s based on what you learn in class. Pursuing this further, it can keep student occupied for the time being when they’re bored. Consequently, homework is the way to keep important things to know in the memory. Also, homework can make the educators become more successful as a student. It can promote maturity, responsibility and help build confidence by gaining knowledge.…
Homework has wasted both teachers and students time as so that teachers are required to assign and grade homework, so by eliminating homework, students will have less work to do and teachers will have less papers to grade.…
Some students don’t know what to do when the teacher assign their homework. They don’t know what to do because when the teachers assign them homework the night before to do, they spent all night doing it. Then the next day at school they are way too tired to process any work and lesson the teachers are teaching. They would just fall asleep and pay less attention. That causes the student to not know what to do and they just write down random answers. Then when they turn it in the teachers mark it wrong and give them a bad grade. Eventually with all these bad grades in their file it will bring their grades down a lot. This would just give more stress to the students and drain their energy. An average person should be getting about seven to eight hours of sleep a night not two or three…
It is necessary for a person to want to get rid of a force controlling them. Also, it is commonly known that with growing up, homework should be expected in order to receive a full education. This meaning, every child for twelve years is supposed to make school a priority, and then get an occupation once they are an adult. While I accept this, every student should have the right to pursue other aptitudes which they will use late in life as a career. That being said, homework has caused a great problem in my day to day life.…
To summarise, homework allows develop work habits, order and responsibility, strengthens basic skills such as reading and math,…
It is necessary for a person to want to get rid of a force controlling them. Also, it is commonly known that with growing up, homework should be expected in order to receive a full education. This meaning, every child for twelve years is supposed to make school a priority, and then get an occupation once they are an adult. While I accept this, every student should have the right to pursue other aptitudes which they will use late in life as a career. That being said, homework has caused a great problem in my day to day life.…
Moreover, homework isn't only wasting the student's time but the teachers time as well. By marking and grading homework, teachers are wasting their time. So teachers, please don't blame us the we wasted your time. Some people assume that homework is useful for teachers to watch student's progress but I firmly believe that homework is sent home to test the parents, not the children. I think that teachers can watch the student's progress in school better because teachers don't know that at home who did the homework, the parent, the student or the internet (Google)??????? People also think that homework helps parents to understand that the school holds high goals for students. But, I consider that school work is harder than homework and that means that parents can understand that the school holds higher goals than they think. Furthermore, homework becomes terrible if no one can help you. If no one can help you then you are doing work that you don’t understand, and if you don’t understand it what’s the point having the work that you can’t even do. I really, strongly believe that more kids would stay in school and have a better learning experience if they did not have the stress of homework.…
Too much homework for a student can cause stress and lead to health issues in the body and mind. Homework can be related to anxiety and stress that can affect school work negatively. Also spending a heck of times doing homework is not worth. It may help you with to improve your learning and achieve more. In my opinion, kids should not have too much homework because kids are just kids, all they probably want is to relax and have fun.…
It seems as if teachers give homework, just to give homework. For most kids, after they learn it, they should know it forever. If the teacher thinks they should practice on…
I feel that schools should not give out homework. Homework stresses kids out for starters. Students also dread doing homework, and people don't have time for it. This is why we should get rid of homework.…
Second of all, sometimes, when a kid gets assigned homework, it will be from a lesson they just started learning, so he or she doesn’t have a lot of knowledge on it. When they come home, they don’t remember it very well, so they just try a method that makes since. But, if it’s wrong, then they will just be practicing and memorizing the wrong thing. This shows that if students try to go and do an assignment on a topic that they just learned, then they are going to have a lot of trouble understand and doing the work correctly. Another example is if they ask a parent for help, they could teach them the wrong thing because they learned it so long ago. Then the student would become confused and have to chose between two different concepts that they’ve learned. In addition, in a survey of 778 parents, 84% of the parents helped with homework. This proves that kids go home with lots of questions because they are still confused on the topic. This shows that because students are still confused, they have to ask their parents to help them, and most of the time even they don’t know how to do it the correct way. Clearly, because students are still confused on the topic they will either just do it the wrong way…
Everyone has done homework sometime in their life, but probably many of them never liked doing it, and thought it was a waste of time. When students have to do homework, sometimes teachers think it’s a waste of time to grade them, and to put them in the grade book. Homework isn’t as bad as some people think. Even though sometimes it can be a burden, homework can help students practice their skills, it helps students learn to take responsibility and use their time wisely, and it lets parents see what their child has been learning in class. Students may not like homework all the time, but it is helpful in many ways.…
Some educators and schools worldwide have banned homework. I strongly believe that schools give too much homework and should be banned because less homework gives teachers more time to plan lessons, children need more time for other activities, and homework often has bad effect on students. First of all, less homework gives teachers more time to plan lessons. According to the Achieve 3000 article, “No More Homework?,” in paragraph 2, the author says, “If teachers did not have to mark homework, they would have more time to plan lessons and monitor students’ daily progress.” If teachers do not give homework, they would have more time on their hands to work on other things.…
To start with, kids should have no homework because they can spend more time with friends and family. Sometimes kids want to do things that they can only do at a young age but they can’t because they might have lots of homework. Kids already have to spend seven hours at school, it’s just not fair that they also have to spend 1 to 2 hours at home trying to finish their homework.…