World Vision, founded in the USA in 1950 by a young pastor Robert Pierce, is one of the largest relief and development organizations in the world whose total revenue coming grants, product and foreign donations is about $2.6 billion.
The first area that World Vision focused on was orphans and other children in need, beginning in South Korea, and then expanding throughout Asia. Today, they operate in more than 90 countries, such as Ethiopia, Ghana, Afghanistan, India, Romania, Austria, Bolivia, El Salvador, Mexico, Jerusalem, and Papua New Guinea. They are now focusing on larger issues of community development and advocacy for the poor towards the end of helping poor children and their families build a sustainable future. * Matching Values
World Vision has established values that appeal to the morality of the society’s majority. As a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization, its mission is to dedicate themselves to work with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Through its public commitment to serve all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender, World Vision operates under its “Core Values" that are inspiring, admirable and agreeable to most people: It states clearly that they find their call to ministry from the abundance of God’s love and are committed to the poor and are called to relieve their suffering and to promote the transformation of their condition of life. They value people and regard all people as created and loved by God, therefore give priority to people before money, structure, and systems. They perceive themselves as stewards and are faithful to the purpose for which resources are given and manage them in a manner that brings maximum benefit to the poor. The international World Vision Partnership transcends legal, structural, and cultural boundaries and is responsive to the life-threatening emergencies