Module 1
Chapter 1
1. What is science?
Science is a body of knowledge that is ever changing. It is made up of not only facts but also theories that are made up of well-tested hypotheses.
2. Distinguish among the scientific fact, hypothesis, law and theory
As stated above, a theory is made up of well-tested hypotheses, which in themselves are well educated guesses yet to be proven. A fact is something that can change over time even though it was agreed upon by knowledgeable scientists. Scientific laws are not specific, are mostly principles and are the result of repeated observations.
3. Why do some people think they have to choose between science and religion?
They are either uninformed or misinformed to believe that must choose. Science and religion are very different as the domain of science is nature’s order whereas religion’s domain is nature’s intent.
4. Clearly distinguish between Science and Technology.
Science is a body of knowledge that not only uses technology as a tool but also is used in the development of technology. As scientists make more and more breakthroughs, they are using the latest and greatest technology to do so and in turn more technological breakthroughs.
5. Why is Physics considered to be the basic Science?
Physics may be considered one of the physical sciences but it is the foundation that other physical sciences are built upon. It deals with forces, light, atoms and matter to begin with, which are the building blocks of all things, including other sciences.
1. What is the penalty for scientific fraud in the science community?
The punishment for scientific fraud is professional excommunication, or in simpler terms, their work is no longer recognized as that of a scientist.
2. Which of the following are scientific hypotheses? (a) Chlorophyll makes grass green. (b) Earth rotates about its axis because living things need an alternation of light and darkness. (c) Tides