Practical Physics I
Fall 2012
Fall 2012
(1) Fine Measurement Apparatuses --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
(2) Determination of the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat (Joule's Law) by Electrical Method 12
(3) Determination of the Melting Point of a Solid Material ------------------------------------------ 15
(4) Determination of the Specific Gravity using Archimedes Principle and Density Bottle --- 18
(5) Speed of Sound in Air -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
(6) The Simple Pendulum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
(7) Specific Heat by the Method of Mixing --------------------------------------------------------------- 33
(8) Measurement of Viscosity of a Liquid by Stokes Law ---------------------------------------------- 37
Faculty of Pharmacy | Delta University
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(1) Fine Measurement Apparatuses
Fall 2012
0. Objective
It is to measure the dimensions of a solid object using fine measuring instruments like:
1. Vernier caliper,
2. Micrometer Screw Gauge and
3. Spherometer Screw.
1. Vernier caliper
1.1. Apparatus
1. Vernier caliper, and
2. Parallelepiped solid object.
1.2. Theory
A very ingenious device for obtaining accuracy of a greater order than that obtainable by eye-estimation was invented by (Pierre Vernier), and is known by his name.
Faculty of Pharmacy | Delta University
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Fall 2012
The vernier is a convenient attachment for determining accurately a fraction of the finest division on the main scale of a measuring instrument. The simplest vernier scale has (10 divisions) that correspond in length to (9 divisions) on the main scale. Each vernier division is therefore shorter than