In today's professional sports there is great diversity. In almost any sport you look at there is people of all colors. The three major men's professional sports leagues, the MLB, NFL, and the NBA all had pretty good percentages when it came to minorities. The MLB had 60% white players, 10% African Americans, 28% Latino, and 2% Asian Americans. The NFL had 33% white players, 65% African Americans, < 1% Latinos, and 1% Asian Americans. The NBA had 20% white, 78% black, < 2 % Latino, and < 1 % Asian Americans. All of these numbers came from a study conducted by Richard E. Lapchick in 2001. Although there is not much wrong with the numbers I just shared with you, there is a big problem in some other sports. One of the biggest controversies is in the NHL, or the National Hockey League. The NHL is dominated by white players and always has been. Between the years of 1958 and 1991 there were only 18 black players ever made it to the NHL. Of those 18 there have been some
In today's professional sports there is great diversity. In almost any sport you look at there is people of all colors. The three major men's professional sports leagues, the MLB, NFL, and the NBA all had pretty good percentages when it came to minorities. The MLB had 60% white players, 10% African Americans, 28% Latino, and 2% Asian Americans. The NFL had 33% white players, 65% African Americans, < 1% Latinos, and 1% Asian Americans. The NBA had 20% white, 78% black, < 2 % Latino, and < 1 % Asian Americans. All of these numbers came from a study conducted by Richard E. Lapchick in 2001. Although there is not much wrong with the numbers I just shared with you, there is a big problem in some other sports. One of the biggest controversies is in the NHL, or the National Hockey League. The NHL is dominated by white players and always has been. Between the years of 1958 and 1991 there were only 18 black players ever made it to the NHL. Of those 18 there have been some