Single Sex Classrooms Essay Example
Single sex classrooms create opportunities that do not really exist in a coed classroom for students. Teachers can create learning strategies in all girl classrooms, and in all boy classrooms, which do not work as well in coed classrooms. Many public schools are beginning to adopt the single sex classroom ideas and seeing dramatic improvement with grades and test scores. The strongest proof yet, that separating boys and girls works, is the drastic improvement in grades for both sexes. But to simply place girls in a classroom and boys in another classroom is not going to work. Teachers should have special training for practical gender-specific classroom strategies and learn the best practices for these gender-separate classrooms. In the book “Gender and Education” the authors Barbara Banks, Sara Delamont, and Catherine Marshall specifically state: “Teacher interactions with students are at the heart of the hidden curriculum and are important means by which informal lessons about gender are transmitted in schools” (Banks571). Single sex classrooms simply create more opportunities and a better learning environment for our children that coed classrooms do not create. Girls in all girl classrooms and boys in all boy classrooms are more likely to study subjects that they would not necessarily choose if the class was coed. It also expands ideas of educational opportunities and core values for both boys and girls, and the classes generate custom created learning strategies and instructions to better learning.
Girls in all girl classrooms and boys in all boy classrooms are more likely to study subjects that they wouldn’t necessarily choose if the class was coeducational, in my opinion. Single sex classrooms bring a broader horizon for our students more so than coeducational classrooms. Kenneth Jost the author of Single Sex Education quotes in his book “Sex segregation and discrimination persists in high school programs around the country, 30 years after