Test scores are a good way to look at single sex schools being a good way for children to succeed. Children in a co-ed school took a test as well as a single-sex school, the test had been the same for both schools, the co-ed school scored a 37 and the single-sex school scored a 75. (This shows that more studying and focus goes into a single sex class room than a co-ed.) When children are in a single-sex class they go over more for they do not have the distraction some children have in a co-ed class. Another reason single-sex schooling is a good idea is more children are going to have more study time to get more work done, this means not many children will have homework. Children in a single-sex school will also eliminated a lot of drama that might happen such as a girl wanting the same boy this will cause drama not only with one girl, but with both girls friends, and maybe even the boy. Boys tend to show off while a girl he likes is in the same class, or when boys tell a girl to be mean to another girl, to win his attention. I think single-sex schools will eliminate all harassment. I
Test scores are a good way to look at single sex schools being a good way for children to succeed. Children in a co-ed school took a test as well as a single-sex school, the test had been the same for both schools, the co-ed school scored a 37 and the single-sex school scored a 75. (This shows that more studying and focus goes into a single sex class room than a co-ed.) When children are in a single-sex class they go over more for they do not have the distraction some children have in a co-ed class. Another reason single-sex schooling is a good idea is more children are going to have more study time to get more work done, this means not many children will have homework. Children in a single-sex school will also eliminated a lot of drama that might happen such as a girl wanting the same boy this will cause drama not only with one girl, but with both girls friends, and maybe even the boy. Boys tend to show off while a girl he likes is in the same class, or when boys tell a girl to be mean to another girl, to win his attention. I think single-sex schools will eliminate all harassment. I