The Origins of Accounting
The origins of accoun/ng are in prehistory.
Cave dwellers bartered meat for berries and or stone tools and weapons.
??????? • What would you give for 6 Brontosauras steaks? – 4 flints? – 1 spear? – 6 rabbit hides?
• The process of deciding on rela/ve worth for barter transac/ons is a form of “accoun/ng”
2 + 2 = 22 • The inven/on of numbers led to coun/ng and accountants have never been unemployed since
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ • The inven/on of “money” was a great impetus to the development of accoun/ng, because money led to an exponen/al growth in commerce.
The first known full-‐/me accountants • Circa 7000BC -‐ the Sumerian civiliza/on… the inven/on of: – god-‐kings – taxes
• There are acheological accoun/ng records from this era
Accounting Follies
(it’s not easy to find accounting jokes)
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I’m going to account until 10..and then this thing better be off my foot
Coinage: accoun/ng’s basic unit • Coinage (formal) money invented in Lydia • Alexander the Great created the first