The Problem and Its Background
Teachers are considered the heart of education given their gargantuan roles. Best teachers are equated to best quality learning experiences among learners even in the most unparallel situations. The very reason why expensive private schools insure that they employ highly qualified teaching staff is to ensure that they are offering the best education for their clients.
Teachers are the primary contact that students interact with when learning, their involvement in the learning process is crucial. A teacher's bad attitude, poor teaching skills and lack of involvement with the students when teaching, results to poor performance.
A teacher exists for the improvement of his clientele. A teacher’s job is not confined solely to the transmission of knowledge to his students inside the four – walls of the classroom. The teacher’s personal influence in developing the student’s being as a whole is more important.
To further elaborate this, a teacher’s personality in all aspects is being observed and discerned by most people. He is viewed as the model of good faith and source of great humanity. He must be well rounded and optimistic in all situations. In short, a teacher is expected as next to perfection. Oftentimes, minimal errors such as unable to further elaborate a certain theorem and failing to discuss a certain topic clearly are horrendous. These become reasons that ruin the mathematics teacher’s reputation.
With the downgrading result of the Math achievement test in 2003 wherein the Philippines was in the bottom five, mathematics teacher’s ability to teach and his overall performance are in great scrutiny of bosses.
Mathematics educators and researchers like (Ohuche 1978; Ale, 1989; Oshibodu, 1984 and 1988; Akpan, 1987; Odogwu, 1994; Edwards and Knight,, 1994; Alele –Willaims 1988; Georgewill, 1990; Tella 1998) have over the years carried out researches on factors that responsible for poor