TerraCog Global Positioning Systems:
Conflict and Communication on Project Aerial
RAHUL.R (111039)
To: Richard Fiero, President
Tony Barren, Director of Production
Ed Pryor, VP - Sales
Allen Roth, Director of Design & Development
Becky Timmons, CFO
From: Emma Richardson
Date: 14th March 2008
Sub: Decision to be taken for the project Aerial
It’s high time that we have to take the decision regarding the project Aerial. If we further delay the decision about launching the product, there are chances that we may lose our valuable customers and the market share. So I have made the decision to launch the product as per the schedules. Please go through the report carefully and feel free to give suggestions.
Thank You.
Executive Summary
TerraCog was specialized in high quality Global Positioning System equipment. The company had to decide whether to immediately launch our product Aerial or not. Because of the departmental issues and personal conflicts, we were unable to reach a conclusion. Either we had to launch the product with current specifications or had to extent the date of launch with cost reductions. If we delay the launch, we might lose our customers as well as market share. If we fail to deliver quality product, our reputation would also go down. To compete in the market, we should launch the product with better quality than the competitors and with affordable pricing.
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Situation Analysis
TerraCog was a privately held company specializing in high-quality Global Positioning System and fishing sonar equipment. The company had an exceptional product design and functionality. We always took care of our customers and their preferences. The company was not always first to the market. But when we finally launch the products, it was always better than the competitors. So by delivering high quality products, we had a very high