Henry Willings, Chairman,
Jhoren Austria
Community Development Department
San Carlos City, PHILS. 2120.
September 27, 2014
Subject: Meeting for the Comprehensive Plans of Company’s Growth
This to inform all the project heads and team leaders that management has decided to conduct a meeting on 27.09.2014. The agenda of the meeting is to discuss the comprehensive solutions provided by the experts and management to grow the company in this competitive market. Therefore, we request you all to attend the meeting without any fail.
We also like to request you all to present their plans and ideas on the company and team’s growth. The administration is also requesting all the project managers to provide a report on the production and services offered by the team on the last month.
The management is also attaching all the information and details related to the meeting along with this memo. For any doubts or queries, contact us within two working days.
Jhoren Austria
78 M. Soriano St. | SCCP PHILS. 2140| Phone: 555-555-5555 |
September 20, 2014
Ms. Sarah Guinto
ABS Company
78 M. Soriano St
Dear Sarah,
Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from my position as staff accountant. My last day of employment will be October 21, 2014
I received an offer to serve as senior accountant of a Fortune 500 company, and after careful consideration, I realize that this opportunity is too exciting for me to decline.
It has been a pleasure working with you and your team over the last three years. One of the highlights of my career was collaborating with you to automate ABS Company’s accounting, financial and balance systems and setting up your accounting infrastructure. Your company is poised for continued growth and I wish you much success with your upcoming acquisition of XYZ Company.
I would like to help with the transition of my accounting