Taressa Wise
Kaplan University
PA 402-01
Professor Carolyn Dragseth
June 5, 2012
LEGAL M E M O R A N D U M TO: Carolyn Dragseth, Attorney FROM: Taressa Wise, Legal Analyst DATE: June 5, 2012 RE: Legal Memorandum, causes of action for presenting a prima facie case for Ima Shewin. File: #4591_NEW MATTER__________ STATEMENT OF FACTS Our client Ima Shewin is a 45-year-old African American and has asked us to represent her in filing a prima facie discrimination case and applicable causes of action on her behalf. Shewin has advanced degrees in English and journalism from the University of Chicago and have been employed by The Blabber, a newspaper company in Atlanta, Georgia, for 10 years. Shewin started as an entry-level researcher. Two years later, she was promoted to a junior-level reporter position, and two years after that, to a senior-level reporter position. Shewin has now been a senior-level reporter for the last six years. During the first eight years of her employment, Shewin reported to George Doright. Two years ago, The Blabber reorganized and Doright was moved to another division in the company. Since then, Shewin has reported to Arthur King, The Blabber 's senior editor. Following the reorganization, two editors have retired. Although Shewin applied for these positions, they were not offered to her. In fact, she was only invited to interview for one of the positions, although she believes she met the qualifications for both. Last month, Shewin applied for a junior-editor position that she has been after for several years now. Based upon the qualifications that were identified in the job 's classified ad, she felt she was a shoo-in. Shewin applied and was interviewed. The
References: May 19, 2012 http://www.eeoc.gov/laws/statutes/titlevii.cfm Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins. Lll|Lll| Legal Information Institute: Retrieved data on May, 19, 2012 May 19, 2012 http://www.eeoc.gov/facts/fs-sex.html Black’s Law Dictionary, (2005) prima facie case: p. 561 John Jude Moran, J