In this essay, I will be discussing the cancellation of the Avro Arrow and how it had affected Canada enough to be considered as a memorable moment in this country’s history. It had impacted Canada because of the fact that its cancellation was one of the biggest disappointments in Canada’s history due to the fact that it seemed to be the beginning of a new age of innovation that had only applied to Canada This could have been another way for Canada to assert their individuality as a country, but all that came of it was pile of scrap that had taken ten years (1949 - ‘59) out of thousands of people’s time and left even more unemployed. The explanations behind the scrapping of the planes that were offered to the public proved to be unsatisfactory, and many people are still speculating on the reason behind the cancellation today. I will also be discussing why the Avro Arrow should not have been cancelled, and why the reasons given for the scrapping were unsatisfactory.
Research Notes
- Historian Paul Campagna suspects that the US had threatened John Diefenbaker and George Pearkes into scrapping the Avro Arrow due to the fact that its technology was superior to that of the American spy planes at the time. This will be put in the section of the essay where I will explain why the explanations given by Diefenbaker and Pearkes were unsatisfactory.
- The cancellation of the Avro Arrow had actually caused an economic crisis in regions that were adjacent to where the Avro Arrow was being manufactured. This was due to the fact that many people that had lived in these areas were employed by the government in order to contribute to the Avro Arrow project. Thousands of people that lived in Peel and Dufferin were left scrambling for jobs due to the sudden cancellation of the Avro Arrow. This information will be very helpful when I write about the impact of the cancellation in the final product.…back/the-day-the-avro-arrow-died