From the overthrowing of the Russian Tsar to the exile of the Nationalists, the world has been in a state where radical movements have been the main focus of citizens, even in democratic societies. The October Crisis was one of these extraordinary events that had occurred. It was a period of international and national revolutionary movements that used violent acts against constitutional measures. The 1970 October Crisis was a pivotal moment that had an undeniable and lasting impact on Canadians as it revealed the wisdom of Trudeau’s decision to enact the War Measures Act, demonstrated that the FLQ (a left-winged terrorist organization) was not a good representative of the French-Canadians, and it provided evidence that this event, focused on Quebec, is a “Canadian” issue.
One propitious moment that made the October Crisis unforgettable was Trudeau’s wise decision to enable the War Measures Act which showed that Canada does not tolerate terrorism. The October Crisis was triggered by the abduction of government officials in Quebec, by FLQ members in October 1970. The War Measures Act (WMA) was a law that allowed the government to assume emergency powers in the event of “war, invasion or insurrection, real or apprehended” (Tetley, 2007). Since none of the requirements were present, it had given a stifling argument for all the negative responses that occurred. However, the counterpart of the decision was yet to be told. Canada had previously experienced many terrorist acts by the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ). The group believed the rights and justice of the French-Canadians would only be recognized if Quebec formally separated politically from Canada. Generally, governments cede to the terrorists, exchanging hostages for “prisoners of words”. If a similar act had commenced in a democratic country, such as Canada, “giving in to the terrorist(s) would not be an option” (Tetley, 2001). If the Canadian government complied with the
Cited: --> Brown, Laura. "October Crisis in Canada." History Channel Canada. Ed. Glenn Marshall. 8 Jan. 2011. Web. 19 Mar. 2011. <>. --> Dann, Moira. The October Crisis, 40 years later. Globe and Mail Facts and Arguments, 4 Apr. 2010. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. --> English reading of the entire FLQ terror. YouTube, 1970. Web. 10 Apr. 2011. --> Knowlton, Nash."The October Crisis: 20 years later." Archives: Civil Liberties Suspended. CBC. Canada, 13 Oct. 1990. Web. 15 Mar. 2011. <>. --> Rioux, Marcel. Front de Libération du Québec - Manifesto of October 1970. N.p., 1971. Web. 10 Apr. 2011 --> Smith, Denis. The Canadian Encyclopaedia. Historica-Dominion, 2011. Bur Oak Library Information. Web. 17 Mar. 2011. <> --> Tetley, William. "Last Lunch with Trudeau." McGill. Tetley 's maritime & admiralty law (Faculty of La, 28 Sept. 2001. Web. 19 Mar. 2011. <>. --> Tetley, William. The October Crisis, 1970: An Insider 's View. Canada: McGill-Queens University Press, 2007. N. pag. Print