<br>John Proctor's truly good moral character and honest personality is first witnessed when he expresses some of his true feelings and affection towards his wife at their home. Two quotes that best represents John Proctor' love and overall good feelings for his wife are "I mean to please you Elizabeth"(Arthur Miller, The Crucible (New York: Viking Penguin, 1976), p.50). After these words Proctor later goes on to say "I think you're sad again. Are you?" (Miller, p.51). These two quotes best exemplify Proctor's loving emotions toward his wife Elizabeth, at a time when most people kept their emotions to themselves Proctor is surprisingly open. When he asks his wife if she is saddened he shows his concern about his loved one's feelings, and a feeling of Proctor's true happiness with Elizabeth is suggested. Also Proctor does not say these words of love because of some superficial desire such as lust, or greed, but rather he expresses these words out of the true love he possesses for her. During John Proctor's time many married men did not give their wives