loss of men and ammunition (Geoffrey Parker, Why the Armada Failed). When the fleet finally returned to Lisbon it brought the treasure ships back intact but it was clear that the Armada was no longer ready to mount the full scale invasion of England. Drake had given England another year to prepare for the Spanish Armada.…
Spain was experiencing their Golden Age in the sixteenth century because of their exploration of South America that opened doors for trading and allies. This trade (that included gold) gave their economy budget a boost. However, they were seriously defeated after the English raided their ships. As we know, the Spanish Armada defeat was one of the most tragic defeats in Spanish history under Philip II’s rule. This defeat hurt their economy even more and nearly all their power was gone, until the Treaty of Pyrenees officially gave up Spanish power to…
Spanish Armada- Spain’s HUGE army fleat that sailed against England in attempt to claim North America.…
The Spanish Armada also failed to the English by their strategically superiority, the excellent Leadership of Francis Drake, and enormous luck with the weather. The weather did play a role, causing the Spanish ships to miss their original destination point, but the main reason had more to do with the relative sizes of the conflicting English and Spanish vessels.…
Oppositely, Phillip and Fredrick William disagreed on foreign policies. During Phillip’s reign, Spain was known as “the Empire on which the sun never sets,” for it became so large through his expansionist mindset. Philip II created military campaigns to defend Catholic Europe, for example his 1588 failed invasion of Protestant England. In contrast, Fredrick held a large European army, yet had little to no military campaigns throughout his ruling. Domestic matters concerned him more than foreign, such as agriculture and primary schools to benefit his nation in the long run. He looked upon the manual of Regulations for State Officials with great…
Phillip II was the ruler of Spain. He lived from 1527 to 1598. Because he was the defender of Catholicism he was the most powerful ruler in Europe at the time. Phillip demanded reports from his advisers and would conduct discussions in his office.…
On September 16, 1568, Hawkins and Drake entered the harbor of San Juan de Ulua and immediately Hawkins put crew members on watch for Spaniards and Hawkins sent a letter to the governor of Vera Cruz which stated that they come in peace and will pay for all provisions. The very next day there were thirteen Spanish ships that appeared in the distance. At once, they knew this was a…
The United States had always been on the side of the Allies in World War II, however, they did not officially join the fight until the year 1942. They would supply the allied forces in clever ways to technically remain neutral, as well as cutting off Japan from trade in order to weaken them and stop their attempts to take over the pacific. Once the US joined, Japan was the secondary objective to Europe, but once Germany was defeated, they could focus on Japan. The battle of Marianas included a major defeat and destruction of the Japanese navy, as well as the recapture of important strategic islands - Saipan, Guam, and Tinian - that turned the future of battle against the Japanese. This was important as it was where the US military began to be certain that they could push the Japanese back and force their surrender. Overall, this battle was the point in WWII where the tides of war in America’s favor, cementing it’s place in history.…
When Queen Elizabeth ascended to the throne, there were violent clashes throughout Europe between Protestant and Catholic leaders and their followers. Though Elizabeth honored many of the Protestant edicts of her late father, King Henry VIII, she made significant concessions to Catholic sympathizers, which kept them from attempting rebellion. But when compromise was not possible, she was an exacting and determined leader who did not shy away from conflict. With the naval defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, England was firmly established as a leading military and commercial power in the Western world. Elizabeth supported and later knighted Sir Francis Drake, the first sailor to circumnavigate the globe. She also funded Sir Walter Raleigh's…
Coming up with devious ways to defeat the Spaniards worse than they did him, mapping out the trade routes of the ships coming and going in and out of Spain he would eventually find a weak point. In 1572 having obtained from the queen a privateering commission, which amounted to a license to plunder in the king of Spain’s lands Drake set sail for America in command of two small ships, the 70-ton Pasha and the 25-ton Swan. He was nothing if not ambitious and ready for the battle, for his aim was to capture the important town of Nombre de Dios, Pan. Although Drake was wounded in the attack, which failed, he and his men managed to get away with a great deal of plunder by successfully attacking a silver-bearing mule train. This was perhaps the foundation of Drake’s fortune. In the interval between these episodes, he crossed the Isthmus of Panama. Standing on a high ridge of land, he first saw the Pacific, that ocean hitherto barred to all but Spanish ships. It was then, as he put it, that he “besought Almighty God of His goodness to give him life and leave to sail once in an English ship in that sea.” (Sir Francis Drake). He returned to England both rich and famous. Unfortunately, his return coincided with a moment when Queen Elizabeth and King Philip II of Spain had reached a temporary truce. Although delighted with Drake’s success in the empire of her great enemy, Elizabeth could not officially acknowledge piracy. Drake saw that the time was inauspicious and sailed with a small squadron to Ireland, where he served under the earl of Essex and took part in a notorious massacre in July 1575. In which he seemingly disappeared off the face of the Earth as there are no recorded accounts of him until…
captain of a fleet granted by spain in the year of 1519. Magellan took his fleet on…
The Spanish King Phillip II also took advantage of the situation in Europe for the gain of himself and his advisors. The section of the Dutch Declaration of Independence presented in Document 9 speaks at length about how Phillip would, “tyrannize at pleasure,” the Low Countries, primarily the Netherlands, while supposedly attempting to quash Protestantism. Instead, it seems, he violently subjugated the Dutch so that he could increase his own, “reputation and grandeur,” all the while allowing those close to him to have positions in, “the richest abbeys,” making a mockery of the supposedly sacred duties of bishops. The Declaration also plainly states that this was all done under, “the mask of religion.” In addition to his violence in the Netherlands, Phillip also tried to use his religion to fulfil his agenda against England. As Pope Pius said in a letter to the Guises, he supports, “all such means as shall be deemed necessary,” to reclaim England and save it from being, “oppressed by the heretics.” Even though the Pope intended to do this by supporting Mary, Queen of Scots, he still allowed Phillip to attempt to invade England after Mary’s execution, especially after Elizabeth started overtly supporting the Protestant rebellions in the…
Selected Views of the Battle of Gettysburg On July 1st of 1863 the battle of Gettysburg began. The battle was more less an unexpected disaster; neither side had planned the battle they ended up in the same place and the battle begun. There where many wounded and many casualties.…
She was able to use it to bring victory to England on the battlefield. Elizabeth was also “taught the art of public speaking, unheard of for women at the time. But the ability to address a large number of people, from ministers in Parliament to troops on the battlefield, stood Elizabeth in good stead for the future. She learnt how to turn the tide of opinion in her favour, and this became one of her most effective weapons” (Briscoe). This became valuable in the 1580s when the war between England and Spain became apparently inevitable. The Spanish Armada was a fleet of 130 ships that King Phillip of Spain planned to sail into the English Channel to meet with an army coming from the Netherlands and simultaneously invade England. However, Elizabeth’s men were maintaining a close watch on the shores of England for the Armada, and when the first ship was spotted fighting erupted. As English soldiers and sailors were fighting for England’s independence, the Queen was headed for Tilbury. “She was not going to sit trembling inside a guarded Palace while her people fought, but was going to go to the coast of the battle and ‘live or die’ with them” (Thomas, “The Spanish Armada”). Here, she made what could be her most famous speech, the Tilbury Speech, where she stated, “I know I have the body of a meek and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a King,…
Analysis: When others heard of the profit to be made by using slave labor and seafaring, such as the Dutch and British, Spain was harassed by a new sort of sailor, the privateers, or more commonly known as pirates. These were people or a crew aboard a ship that would have the empires backing when they attacked other ships for their precious cargo. Many pirates would bluff their way through a battle, being ruthless when the tactic would work and they could board the ships. Gunpower cannons and ramming fronts would be equipped on boats for privateers. They could keep a certain percentage of the prize money if they were successful in their mission, even going as far as to steal entire ships for auction later. The rest of the money earned went…