This is no easy task. In engineering colleges, thermodynamics often turns out to be one of two "weed-out courses" that causes students to change majors. (The other is fluid mechanics.) But, we think we are up to the challenge. We think we can make thermodynamics both interesting and understandable.
We hope to succeed by not making the same mistakes made by most evolutionists, creationists, and thermodynamics professors.
Evolutionists generally fail because they apparently don’t have the slightest idea what they are talking about. Therefore, they make silly arguments about snowflakes and open systems.
Creationists generally fail because they jump right to the punch line without telling the joke. They expect people to understand their argument without laying the proper groundwork.
Thermodynamics professors generally fail because other professors haven’t laid the proper groundwork. Thermodynamic concepts aren’t difficult to grasp, but the math involved is really nasty. Students generally fail thermodynamics, not because they don’t understand thermodynamics, but because they can’t do the math. (The same thing is true of fluid mechanics. The calculus required to solve problems is difficult.) Engineering students need to learn the math, but you don’t. So, we will skip the math and just talk about the concepts.
The mistake we are likely to make is giving you too much information too quickly. So, we are going to make every effort to slow down and take it easy. That means that this essay will have to be the first in a series.
Thermodynamics Explains It All
Everything happens because heat is flowing from a hot place to a cold place. Nothing