Mr. Gobrail
English 3-5A
27 March 2006
A Change in History for Women Women presently play a huge part in daily activities whether it is at school, sports, or work. Over the past three decades, women have gained many rights and privileges that men have had for half a century or longer. Gaining these rights and privileges has allowed women to play important roles in today's society. One of the most debated issues between men and women is Title IX. This issue has created controversial problems that have caused a separation between men and women. Although, Title IX is constantly brought up, it was the beginning of a new era for women. An era that would allow women to be accepted as equals to men in everyday activities. Throughout the history of Title IX, regardless of its positive objectives it has accomplished, it brought along different controversies with it. The history of Title IX has shown tremendous changes in women's athletics. It has created a whole new revolutionary view and thought on both gender's abilities and rights. Title IX has changed programs and athletics for women in the U.S. ever since its establishment. "Christine Grant, the women's athletic director at the University of Iowa says: It's clearly the most important thing that has ever happened to women in sports in this century. Without Title IX, I don't think we should have seen on-hundredth of the progress we have made'" (Hasday 97). Despite the bias opinions on Title IX, it has made a positive addendum to women's lives. Since the addition of Title IX in the past 30 years, it has shown that more women statistically play collegiate and high school sports. The excerpt "Title IX is a Winner; Keep Giving it the Ball," shows that Title IX has increased the number of girls in high school sports by ninefold in 30 years and quintupled in college (Title IX 1). According to U.S. General Accounting Office study, the number of women participant in intercollegiate sports was a modest