When a war film is created to tell a story of a certain time period, it is supposed to portray what war was like during that time in history. We will see that the story of the Iliad does not quite reflect what historians believe was the style of fighting during this time. Historians believe that the Greeks' were team workers when in war. Not one man was supposed to stand out among the rest. The armies used such fighting styles as the phalanx. This was a formation of about twenty men, who all lined up in a V' like unity with shields up and spears facing out. As the phalanx marched forward, they would trample over the opposing army, or break off with swords blazing. The movie does portray one event where the phalanx is used. Within the story of Troy, there are many acts of individual heroism. Let's take a better look at the story told in the film Troy.
In the beginning of the film they explain what was going on during the time of Greece. The king of Mycenae had forced the kingdoms of Greece into a loose alliance. Only Thessaly had remained unconquered. Agamemnon's brother