ACL in Practice
Name: Jose Paolo P. Pacquiao___________________ Course & Section: ______________ Date: July 19, 2014
NOTE: Rename or Save this file as your Surname4A_Ch6_prac and if you’re finished, submit it to \\b501-server under submit ---chap6 practice folder.
Project: Open an existing project--- Surname4A_ACL_Tutorial_Metaphor
Tables: Surname4A_Credit_Cards_Metaphor; Surname4A_ Trans_April; Surname4A_ Unacceptable_Codes; Surname4A_ Company_Dept; Surname4A_ Employees;
Functions: SUBSTR ( ) --- See below the explanations
Command: Join; Relations --- See below the explanations
Exercises (page 62)
1 Create a report that lists all acceptable transactions. The procedures will be the same as for the report that lists unacceptable transactions, except you will use the Acceptable_Codes list as the basis for comparison. Using Relations, create a view that displays the following information:
■ Employee name
■ Credit card number
■ Department
■ Acceptable transaction amount
■ Transaction date
■ Transaction code
■ Transaction code description
Extract this view to a new table --- Surname4A_Acceptable_Trans_by_Emp_April, and export the new table to an Excel file. Open this file to print screen the result.
2 Remember that some transactions have neither acceptable nor unacceptable codes. These are the transactions that require approval, but are not forbidden. Create a table of transactions that are neither acceptable nor unacceptable. How many transactions are in this category?
3 Extract all of the transactions that exist in the approval-required category to another table.
4 Refer to the Trans_April, Trans_April_Unacceptable, and Employees tables. What percentage of employees with credit cards made unacceptable transactions?
5 How would you use ACL to e-mail the results of your report?
(Insert your answer here)
6 Your Log