I currently work as a Care Assistant which is stated in my contract of employment that the work place has provided together with the Employee Handbook. The terms and conditions of your employment are a statement and instruction of what the employer's expect of their staff and your job description. Employers expect their staff to read and follow the policy and procedures that the home provided. My contract of employment clarifies my hours of work per work, then it explains that I may need to cover call outs and to work additional hours when authorised. Furthermore the contract states my wage per hour which is payable every fortnight in my bank account. Annual holiday year is written in there as well which allows me to know my paid holiday entitlement, along with the public/bank holidays informing me that it is a condition of employment that I will have to work on these days when required to do so. Lastly my contract of employment tells me about:
- Sickness pay and Conditions
- Disciplinary rules and Procedures
- Disciplinary Appeal Procedure
- Grievance Procedure
- Notice of termination to be given by Employer
- Notice of termination to be given by Employee
- Pension and Pension Scheme
The information which needs to be shown on my payslip are:
- Company name
- Employee's name
- Tax code
- N.I code
- National insurance number
- Pay date
- Payment week
- Payment method
- Employee number
- Net pay
- Employer PAYE REF
- Holidays
These are the two changes to personal information which must be reported to your employer:
- Change of address
- Change of Bank account details
The grievance should be raised either verbally or in writing with the manager or senior care. This should be confidential providing full details. If the manager or senior aren’t satisfied with the reason for the grievance then the matter should be referred to the