Task B
My contract of employment sets out what is expected of me as an employee. It states the following:-
Contracted hours
Employment start date
Job title
Line Manager
Place of work
Rate of pay
Collective agreements
Annual leave and public bank holidays entitlement. Details of public bank holidays
Information about pay and receiving payslips
Sickness pay and conditions
Capability and disciplinary procedures
Capability and disciplinary appeal procedures
Grievance procedure
Notice of termination to be given by employer
Notice of termination to be given by employee
Pay in lieu of notice
Pension and pension scheme
Sign by employer and employee
Payslips need to state the following information:-
Employee name
Company name
Description of hours worked e.g. nightshift, training, on call, bank holiday, annual leave pay, sick pay, maternity pay etc
Rate of pay
Hours worked
National Insurance number
Tax payments
National Insurance payments
Gross pay
NET pay
Tax code
Employee number
Payment period
Payment method
1. You must inform your employer if you change your name
2. Change of address
Biv To raise a grievance, employees will need to follow the company grievance procedure. You would first raise the matter with your Line Manager, fully explaining the nature and extent of your grievance. You would then be invited to a meeting at a reasonable time and location at which your grievance will be investigated fully. You must take all reasonable steps to attend this meeting. You will be notified of the decision, in writing, normally within ten working days of the meeting, including your right of appeal. If you wish to appeal you must inform a Director within five working days. You will then be invited to a further meeting, which you must take all reasonable steps to attend. As far as reasonably practicable, the organisation will be represented by a more senior manager