Grievance means any real or imaginary feeling of dissatisfaction and injustice which an employee has about his employment relationship. Grievances may arise due to the following reasons: grievances arising out of working conditions, grievances arising from management policy, grievance arising from alleged violation of company rules, state laws, grievances arising out of personal maladjustment.
Machinery for Redressal of Grievances:
Every organisation requires a permanent procedure for handling employee grievances. Grievance handling procedure is a formal process of settling grievances and it usually consists of a number of steps arranged in a hierarchy. Eg- the front line supervisor is given the first opportunity to handle grievances. If the company is unionised, a representative of the trade union also joins the supervisor in handling the grievance. This step is essential for preserving the supervisor’s authority. But all supervisors cannot be settled here because they may be beyond the authority and competence of the supervisor. In the second step, the personnel officer or some middle level executive along with a higher level union officer attempt to tackle the grievance. In the third step, the top management and top union leader sit together to settle grievances involving company wide issues. If the grievance remains unsettled it is referred to an outside arbitrator for redressal.
Essentials of a Sound Grievance Procedure:
An effective grievance procedure should contain the following characteristics-
1. Legal sanctity- the procedure should be in conformity with the existing law. It should be designed to supplement the statutory provisions. Wherever possible, the procedure should make use of the machinery provided under legislation. The procedure may be incorporated in the standing orders or collective bargaining agreement of the organisation.
2. Acceptabilty- The grievance procedure must be acceptable