Mr. Akil Mensah
History 2010
September 30, 2014
U.S. History to 1877
Thesis Statement: I believe that the United States needs a new constitution.
I believe that the United States needs a new constitution. People have adjusted to the original constitution for this long, so why change now? The United States needs a new constitution because The Constitution should be more sexually equal, including women in all the amendments. Views of politicians have changed. The United States’ population has become more diverse.
First, The United States needs a new constitution because The Constitution should be more sexually balanced, including women in all the amendments. The only amendment in the constitution that refers to women is the 19th amendment. The 19th amendment was passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920. The 19th amendment guarantees all American women the right to vote. Accomplishing the ratification of the 19th amendment took decades of protest. Women should be included in all amendments just as well as men. We’re all about “equal rights,” are we not?
Additionally, views of politicians have changed. For instance, George Washington was neither a Republican nor a Democrat. Simply because neither of those parties had yet existed. Washington’s politics were the ideals of America. However, they had been twisted to include a biased line of thinking. President Barack Obama, however, is a Democrat. The Obama Administration has stated that its general agenda is to revive the economy; provide affordable, accessible health care to all; strengthen our public education and social security systems; define a clear path to energy independence and tackle climate change; end the war in Iraq responsibly and finish our mission in Afghanistan; and work with our allies to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon." As you may have noticed, their views differ in some form.
Finally, the most important reason The United States needs a new