Thesis Statement: The promotion of Democracy through the United States in the Middle East is undesirable, despite the opposing view; that United States promotion of democracy preserves peace and establishes prosperity, in the sense that promotion of democracy corrupts the natural order of the Middle East, which hinders the prosperity, balance, and justice of the Middle East.
I. Introduction:
A. Issues
A.1. Desirability of the promotion of democracy in the Middle East by the United States.
A.2. Civil unrest in the Middle East is blamed on the United States.
A.3. Promotion of Democracy by the United States leads to social instability.
A.3.a. U.S. military presence in the Middle East have led to war and loss of innocent lives.
A.3.b. Conflict in the Middle East due to United States promotion of democracy lowers the quality of life in the region.
B. Background information:
B.1. United States has promoted democracy through violence and conflict in the world since World War II
B.1.a. The Fire-bombing of Germany.
B.1.b. Nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
B.1.c. The conflict with Vietnam and Korea.
B.1.d. The civil war in Egypt.
B.1.e. Operation Iraqi Freedom and the war with Afghanistan.
B.2. United States intervention in the Middle East has not prevented violence, reduced tension or provided more human rights.
B.2.a. Intervention in Iran and Pakistan has led to greater tensions in the region.
B.2.b. Promotion of democracy by the United States in Egypt has led to violence and democratic tyranny.
C. Definition of Terminology:
C.1. Democracy:
C.1.a. Effective Participation
C.1.b. Voting equality at decisive stage
C.1.c. Enlightened understanding
C.1.d. Control of government agenda
C.1.e. Inclusiveness
C.2. Desirable
C.2.a. Wanted or wished based on attractiveness
C.2.b. Usefulness and appeal
C.3. Natural Order
C.3.a. Country’s governmental
Cited: Dahl, Robert. Democracy and Its Critics. New Haven: Yale University, 1989. PDF. Heidegger, Martin. Being and Time. New York: Harper Perennial Modern Thought, 2008. Print. Kagan, Robert. "The Price of Power." The Weekly Standard (2012): 1-24. Document. Lister, Matthew. "There is No Human Right to Democracy: But May We Promote It Anyway?" 7 Febuary 2012. http://ssrn.com/abstract=2000224. Abstract. 2 November 2013. Markakis, Dionysius. US democracy promotion in the Middle East: the pursuit of hegemony? PhD Thesis. London: Dionysius Markakis, 2012. PDF. Medina, Reemah. "The Promotion of Democracy and Human RIghts." Force, U.S. Democracy Promotion Task Force. The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave Democratization. Washington: Henryn M. Jackson School of International Studies, 2011. 66-79. PDF. Nicholson, Kailyn. "The Relationship Between Rhetoric and Policy for Effecticve Implemetations." Force, U.S. Democracy Promotion Task Force. The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave Democratization. Washington: Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, 2011. 80-104. PDF.