-Safety belts are made of extremely tough nylon and nylon thread and are designed to withstand even the most forceful jolts.;_ylt=A0LEVxkegR9Uw9wAzhhXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzbG1oMjgxBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDUwNF8x?qid=20110905134702AAfENDT
-The acromion is a bony socket between your collar bone and the arm. It's the safest place to fit the belt, as well as being very comfortable and not disturbing in any way
-Many cars have vertical adjustment facility on the top mount attached to the central door pillar.
-10,984 people were killed in auto accidents in 2002. Of that total, 10,404 were not wearing seat belts
-According to the NTSB, 80 percent of all crashes come at speeds less than 40 mph and 75 percent of those are within 25 miles of home.
Seatbelt save around 15,000 lives per year
Seatbelts keep you inside the car when an accident happens
Seat belts restrain the strongest parts of your body
http:/ seatbelts spreads out any force from a collision seatbelts help you body slow down when in a crash seatbelts protect the brain and spinal cord
500 people were injured 4th of july weekend while not wearing their seatbelts
Designed to secure the occupant of a vehicle against harmful movement
A seat belt functions to reduce the likelihood of death or serious injury reduces force of secondary impacts with interior strike hazards
Prevents occupants being ejected from the vehicle in a crash or if the vehicle rolls over.