According to Professor Heather Paxson (2006) of MIT, gender refers to the characteristics that differentiate men and women’s behaviors and it includes value judgments connected to masculinity and femininity and everything in between. However, as one learns more and more about gender, they question the necessity of gender and even its existence. In the piece X: A Fabulous Child’s Story by Lois Gould (1978 or 2006) gender is portrayed as unimportant in order to have a good life; gender doesn’t matter. It shows that people have a need to categorize everything into groups because if they don’t, the unknown lingers in their minds and they fear it. People fear the unknown and the different, therefore they fear any gender other than the binary. But…
Mr. Brown, a second-grade teacher, is concerned about Ed, one of the students in his class. On the basis of his observations, he reports that Ed never completes any of the classroom work that he is assigned, and he reads at a beginning first grade level. He suspects that Ed has a learning disability and refers him for a special education evaluation. The school psychologist, Dr. Long, administers an intelligence test to asses Ed's cognitive abilities. She assigns Ed to a class for students with Learning Disabilities and develops an Individualized Education Program for this setting. She then sends Ed's parents a letter, informing them that Ed has a learning disability, and invites them to a meeting to describe…
The author uses this to persist the attitude of the…
conduct, it is also our responsibility to apply common sense, together with a desire simply to…
In 1965 in Canada Janet Reimer gave birth to healthy twin boys Bruce and Brian but during routine medical procedure goes horribly wrong and the Reamers’ were faced with a horrible decision to make to raise their son with a deformation or to raise their son as a daughter. With this unbearable decision they searched from doctor to doctor to find what to do, when they found dr. money they thought they had found their savior, he had a theory that gender wasn’t just based on genetics but it was based on your upbringing. So for dr. money he had found the perfect candidate to test this theory on. One boy who was raised and born a boy and one boy who would be born a boy and raised as a girl. For this one mistake on this routine procedure were the equipment had malfunctioned and burned the boys penis during a circumcise it had profoundly changed this families lives.…
Finally, human beings should as a rule, avoid the extreme that is farther from the mean, notice what errors we are particularly susceptible to and avoid them diligently, and be wary of pleasure because it often impedes our…
To begin the piece, Devor takes an educational approach by giving us some background on why gender is important and how we learn about gender through our first few years of life. “Gender identities act as cognitive filtering devices guiding people to attend to and learn gender role behaviors appropriate to their statuses.” (Devor 527) As toddlers we learn the differences between female and male. When we begin to determine which gender we are, our attitudes and actions quickly take shape. According to Devor, children by the age of two usually understand that they are members of a gender grouping and can correctly identify other members of society. I was astonished to learn that our brain can process information like that at such a young age. Devor made me think back to my childhood and how I acted as a little kid. One memory stood out to me. A good friend of mine when I was about five or six years old was a girl and we always played with dolls. On a rainy day when Allison and I were playing inside, my good buddy Jack Scherer came over and secretly told me that playing with dolls was for girls. Knowing that he was a boy, I immediately stopped playing with dolls and converted to the “cool” thing to do, play Pokemon. Because of this experience, I quickly came to the conclusion that this statement of Devor’s is true.,…
Due to the implications of gender identity in providing real and directly supported conclusions, philosophical and psychological theories will be referred to throughout the conclusions of gender. According to research, approximately one in two thousand cases, a baby's genital appearance poises the question: ‘is it a boy or a girl?’ so why make fashion any different (Kitzinger and Wilkinson, 1999)…
1. n the story, “X: A fabulous Child’s Story,” by Lois Gould you can see many sex differences portrayed. There are many gender oriented items that are portrayed such as the cousins wanting to give a football helmet for the boy baby or how the neighbors sent a pink flowered romper suit for the girl baby. Another instance was when one of the mothers told her daughter that little girls don’t hit or how X had to be a brat because it wasn’t a boy or a girl.…
Young children can tell the difference between boys and girls, and will label people accordingly. However, these very young children still believe that gender can change and is not permanent. Children of this age also have trouble understanding that males and females have different body shapes, but also share characteristics. (Oswalt)…
Everyone’s values and beliefs are affected to different degrees by the same range of factors. Each of us will be influenced to a greater or lesser degree by these layers of influence. As each individual is different, the…
This theory proposes that a child watches a role model that is perceived as similar to itself (i.e. same-sex) and sees the situations in which they are rewarded or punished. They encode this behaviour, and then later attempt the acts they saw receive positive sanctions. If the child is also rewarded for the behaviour, this reinforces the benefits of the conduct, and the child will continue to do it. The parental reinforcement in children’s play seems great, mainly because people in general have quite fixed opinions about what is appropriate for boys and girls play, which tends to form from preconceived ideas of the different traits of the genders. An example for this is that birth parents view their sons as bigger and stronger (Rubin, Provenzano, & Luria, 1974, cited by Spelke, & Pinker, 2005) and this is reflected in how they treat the child. For instance, Smith and Lloyd (1978) gave mothers ‘masculine’, ‘feminine’ and ‘neutral’ toys and found that when a baby was dressed as a boy the mothers encouraged masculine behaviour such as motor activity play. Lytton and Romney (1991) also found further evidence to support…
In the article, “Some Moral Minima,” Lenn E. Goodman raises the question, “if it is true that no norm can be made absolute unless some other is compromised, are there no rules that tell us that principles are principles – no norms delineating concretely, and uncompromisingly, wrong from right?” (Goodman, 2010) Goodman goes on to state that the areas singled out in this article are not comprehensive of every consideration to which humans are due; he asserts that these are just some of the practices that should never be considered as options.…
Becoming a gendered body child is very important in society. There comes a time in life when you get the opportunity to choose if the life you have been given is right for you. At times people have said you were born the way you are and others say no it’s a choice. Inside this article an experiment has been done to compare and gather information on how children develop, and their actions, along with body training, to help mold them into their assigned genders. The social problem that is being investigated throughout this article is quite complex to me. Basically they have chosen over 100 students, and 7 teachers that are divided into 5 different classes. Although some are in the same general area were their parents work, they may live, or go to church. The actual experiment is studying how the student’s behavior changes from hyper activity’s to strict ones. As well as how they interact with the others students during play time, dress up, groups activities, etc. They boys versus the girls, the boys verses the boys, and the popular verses the non-popular. Loud to the quite however you would like to look at it. Everything and everyone has been watched, for 6-8 months with detailed recordings and observation. Martin, Karin A. (1998). Becoming a gendered body: Practices of preschools. American Sociological Review, 63(4), p. 494-511.…
The development of gender awareness is fundamental for our sense of self and is also predominant in any assessment made of another person as from birth on people respond differently to males and females. Gender identity can be seen as one of the earliest social categories that children learn to apply to both themselves and other people. This is suggested in Schaffer’s (1996) definition where gender identity is the correct labeling of self and others as male or female. There are three main theories that have been explored which all suggest multiple ways in which gender awareness is developed: Bandura, Kohlberg and the Gender Scheme Theory. Firstly, Bandura (1977) notes that the idea that social influences clearly plays a very significant role in the development of gender identity. Socialization makes children aware that there are differences between male and female, and that these sex differences matter. These social pressures also suggest there are specific genders stereotypes that they are expected to conform to. Nevertheless, it can also be seen that biological and cultural changes interact with these social factors, thus defining how an individual eventually develops the gender identity of a man or a woman. An alternative theory, expressed by Kohlberg (1966), suggests that children are not the recipients of any physical information from social experiences and therefore they search for specific regulations which will explain the way in which males and females are expected to behave. In addition, gender tends to be the first thing a parent wishes to find about their child. It can be suggested that from then on the child will be treated depending on the fact that they are male or female. This is shown in research attempting to clarify the development of sex roles including: preferences of toys, personal…